Yeah i'm calling "Spacer Problem" on your issues described (ie the space
between Silverlight and you). Everything you've outlined can be distilled
into "We haven't yet figured out how deep linking as a concept works
because we're used to HTTP handling that burden for us" through to "Async
is hard stuff"

Devs tweaked XAML because some idiot in the Visual Studio team decided to
let devs access XAML natively in the tooling, but forget to check off the
performance issues that come with Design vs XAML view. It was a conditioned
response to that problem and given XAML was really never meant to be a code
centric workflow it just baffles the mind at times as to who was actually
in charge of that mission and how they justified it to business reviews we
had. Blend was also a huge issue given they had zero time for Ux
stabilisation(s) and no real investment was given to that team to make it
User Friendly - even thought the target audiences were always that
"designer with dev experience" background(s) who are hyper sensitive to bad
Ux (What could possibly go wrong with this vision of the future).

Silverlight also had a really crappy onboarding process, where we basically
walked up to the entire .NET community, kicked the crutch out from
underneath them and kept giving confused looks when they'd keep falling
over... that is the whole learning process for Silverlight was spread
throughout the web and burried deep within random bloggers who didn't
always update their tutorials to breaking changes, silverlight forums and /
or some random hack training you on "best practices for Silverlight" which
really had no official sponsorship from Microsoft. As a Product Manager all
I had was one question "How experienced are my audience? with Silverlight
...level 100 - 300 breakdowns" and i kept getting confused "starry" eyed
looks like "Why does that matter?" .. i needed to know how deep the
features were being used, what issues tooling is having with features,
which features should we keep investing in and which ones should we
depricate etc.. but like most things at Microsoft it was "Oooh look Shiney
object.." (ie new release each 9 months).

That being said, you have the capabilities to do a lot of plausible and
high performance driven solutions with but it always came back to "You
don't know what you don't know" and with Silverlight thats its weak legacy
but to say "it's brittle" or "it couldn't' do xyz.." you're going to have
to accept my pepsi challenge on that one as I see it much differently :) -
i was tempted to say "But you're doing it wrong" but i know how combative
that remark can get heheh :)

Scott Barnes

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Tony Wright <> wrote:

> I was another who spend an awful lot of time learning Silverlight. Used it
> on a major international project going out to a whole lot of clients where
> we couldn't control the browsers that they use. We'd finally just got on
> top of all the Silverlight quirks and MVVM when Silverlight was first
> declared dead. So many hours invested. 1000s of hours per dev. We were
> majorly peeved.
> But in hindsight, I understand. XAML looks great when done right, but it's
> complicated and inefficient to code in. Real devs spent their time tweaking
> the raw XAML. Not ideal.
> Then there's the brittleness of Silverlight. One little bug gets through
> and the whole Silverlight app needs to be reset. There's no recovering by
> hitting the back button either. It's nearly always a complete restart of
> the app, and there's no guarantee you're not going to hit that point again.
> Debugging was crap as well. Oh, let's get fiddler out and see what's going
> on because the app itself isn't showing anything in the exception handlers.
> Duh.
> So now I've moved to MVC with Entity Framework and whatever flavour
> Javascript library seems to be popular at the moment . Believe me, it's a
> much happier environment to be coding in. You don't have to bitch as much.
> One page might fail, but it doesn't bring the entire app down.
> As for the graphs - I'm using the Kendo (which is Telerik) graphs and data
> visualisation tools. They're ok, and there are a couple of annoyances, like
> with any graph generator, but they're pretty good.
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Scott Barnes
> *Sent:* Thursday, 13 February 2014 10:31 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: Migrating TFS
> Yes its 20years support (silverlight). Nearly all products get 20yr
> support from Microsoft as it has something to do with overarching
> Military/Govt contract agreements etc.
> I'm one of the people that's declared WPF/Silverlight dead and you will
> not get an official response from Microsoft so you need to let go of that
> idea aswell.
> Silverlight is dead as long as the plugin is installable and visual studio
> can support its project(s) but dead as in future momentum / growth, yes.
> It''s a Zombie, the body is still moving around but the brain isn't
> functioning anymore.
> Just because you're working on Silverlight today doesn't mean anything,
> I've got 10 guys right now working on WinForms but do we really want to
> entertain the idea that WinForms is still relevant in future Microsoft
> roadmaps or should we call it "dead" and move on.
> There is no alternative and that's why this crap we have HTML/JS is
> getting beyond the magnitude of stupidity, as its like the ELSE statement
> in the IF RIA == Alive logic, it's the retreat point to when good ideas go
> bad and we have to say out loud "Well.. i guess we could go for breadth
> user experience and ignore depth user experience" in our app development.
> Am I excited at the prospect that Silverlight has no future, no.. i
> dedicated 3 years of my life to that product and i'm just as pissed if not
> more pissed off about the stupidity of Sinofsky than probably most people
> on the planet :) (in fact you can see my back and forth argument with Steve
> on the weekend
> I suspect going forward if the rumours i'm hearing are true, that they'll
> take the XAML runtime from Windows 8 and move the IP down to the Windows 7
> via an update or something to that affect. Basically they'll try and get
> Windows 7 developers to start targeting the new UI namespaces in their UX
> development which will unlock that bridge between Old and New...resulting
> in getting Windows 8 pull through ...
> Now although that will suck initially as it won't help existing WPF/SL
> solutions that use the old way of doing things it will however at least
> start to unlock some more possibilities in that area. Having seen a years+
> development on WPF and Silverlight for some very expensive products here at
> work (multimillion dollar deployments etc) I can't say it would be a
> welcome solution but if they abandon the new namespaces for the existing
> ones then the will also kill growth for Windows 8 - which isn't an option
> especially with a new CEO.
> Again that's just spitball / speculation.
> ---
> Regards,
> Scott Barnes
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 8:20 AM, Greg Keogh <> wrote:
> Hi Greg H
> I certainly agree that Silverlight is/was a great way to deliver
> impressive apps in the desktop browser. Because it was XAML and C# I barely
> had to learn anything new, I could sit down and churn it out (once you
> knocked through all the security walls of course). I know you put a lot of
> effort into Silverlight, we were all impressed with your timeline
> visualisation.
> Does anyone know what the official lifetime of Silverlight is? Have
> releases and updates simply stopped so that it will quietly go stale and
> extinct on its own? Is there an official date for end of support? I ask
> because we are still writing and releasing significant apps and customers
> are going to ask us if Silverlight is dead (some already have apparently).
> What's the alternative to Silverlight for delivering browser apps with
> rich graphics and charts? Have options improved in the last year?
> *Greg K*
> On 12 February 2014 17:54, Greg Harris <>
> wrote:
> I do not think this was directed at me but here goes...
> Start rant
> @#$%^ing Microsoft has #$%^&ed me and the community on Silverlight, I
> spent a few years 100% focused on Silverlight at a significant cost in time
> and money, all now just wasted!
> Today, I have a client that would 100% fit a Silverlight solution for
> their line of business (LOB) application, but they are not willing to take
> on Silverlight because of Microsoft's end of life perspective on the tool.
> I would agree that it may not be the right cross platform tool for all
> mobile devices, but I see no reason why MS cannot make a commitment to
> future releases and ongoing support on Windows, Mac, Windows Phone and
> Android.
> I would not do the next version of Angry Birds with Silverlight, but I
> would do most LOB apps with Silverlight.
> Microsoft, you have made me angry, you have made my client's angry, you
> have lost credibility, I do not trust you!  Probably more fool me for ever
> trusting you!
> Microsoft, you could start to gain some credibility back by restoring
> Silverlight to its rightful place as the tool of choice for client side
> development in LOB apps with a commitment to maintain and support it for 20
> years into the future.
> End rant
> Regards
> Greg Harris
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 5:48 PM, Greg Keogh <> wrote:
> Greg? Where are you?
> This is your cue.
> Ah! What! I'm awake ... I saw Silverlight mentioned as dead and
> abandoned. Guess what I've been doing all day today .. expanding a large
> Silverlight 5 app. We have no alternative, we've spent years developing the
> app and it's in use by some gigantic companies internationally.
> What the hell else can we do? Seriously! Discussion here last year pointed
> out that HTML5 is the only alternative to delivering rich apps on the
> browser desktop, but it groans under stress and I was warned that it just
> can't show attractive interactive charts of the type available with the
> ComponentOne SL libraries.
> Also, I have subscribed to MSDN Magazine (MSJ as it was) since 1993 and I
> agree that it is generally uninteresting these days because it's mostly
> about JavaScript, Stores, Azure, Windows RT and Windows 8 (the latest
> groovy stuff you're talking about). I find I flip through new issues and
> chuck them aside. I like academic articles, but Petzold's and McCaffrey's
> articles are so abstract they're in the twilight zone.
> My day to day development experience is consistently as infuriating and
> unpredictable as ever. Projects won't build, IIS goes haywire with code
> 500s, versions clash, dependencies are all over the shop, kits don't work,
> samples are simplistic, designers crash, I'm coding XAML UIs by hand, I
> have to learn WiX, I have to run VS2013 and VS2012 side by side due to COM
> problems, my VS2013 is diseased, and so on. I get up in the morning and the
> things that worked the night before are all on the fritz. Sometimes I miss
> punch cards.
> However, I don't want to fuel the jovial atmosphere of impending doom that
> pervades this forum ;-)
> Greg

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