Yes, let me know if you want to log into our demo site to see it running.
It is surprisingly pretty smooth.


On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 9:54 AM, DotNet Dude <> wrote:

> Will this work on ios?
> On Thursday, 22 October 2015, Craig van Nieuwkerk <>
> wrote:
>> I have done this before.
>> <input type="file" id="File" name="File" accept="image/*;capture=camera">
>> This will basically work like a standard file upload input but will use
>> the camera to select the file.
>> Craig
>> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 9:42 AM, Greg Keogh <> wrote:
>>> Folks, I've got an ASP.NET app specifically designed to look pleasant
>>> in tablet sized device browsers. Now it has been suggested that while using
>>> the web app, you drill down and pick a product, then use the device's
>>> camera to take a picture of the product and somehow save it and associate
>>> it with the product's ID.
>>> But how on earth can you bridge the gap between a web app running in a
>>> browser and the device's camera? The photos can go anywhere, into the
>>> phone's file system, into Google or Apple cloud storage, etc. My app is
>>> just a dumb web app and has no access to anything in the mobile device, so
>>> how can I deliver the photo to some known location and associate it with
>>> the product's ID.
>>> Perhaps I could use a classic ASP.NET upload control, which requires a
>>> bit of user clicking and picking. Perhaps the photos could go into known
>>> cloud containers or a dropbox like facility, but the address and names
>>> would have to be given to the web app.
>>> Has anyone been through this sort of problem before? Any ideas?
>>> *Greg K*

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