Basically all it does it bring up the camera where you can take a photo.
Then when you do a form POST it will be submitted like a normal
input[type=file]. It even displays a little preview of the photo next to
the input.

Open this on your phone


On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Greg Keogh <> wrote:

> I have done this before.
>> <input type="file" id="File" name="File" accept="image/*;capture=camera">
>> This will basically work like a standard file upload input but will use
>> the camera to select the file.
> Goog grief! That's like black magic. So you click the button rendered next
> to the <input> control and what happens?
> In my case it looks like the initial devices in the field will be iPads.
> I'll read up on the expanded <input> element and make a test page and try
> it on the weekend.
> *Greg*

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