> Razor is so 2019.
> * They’ve come out with Blazor
> <https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/aspnet/web-apps/blazor> now Not sure how
> widely used it is, but it does reduce the number of files to create.*

I'm using Blazor and it's a fabulous replacement for ASP.NET Web Forms, MVC
and JS Frameworks. The most terrible thing about Blazor though is that it
still falls back to the web browser and HTML for rendering. Now I'm hoping
that OpenSilver <https://www.opensilver.net/> will even make Blazor
redundant for making serious web apps as rich as Silverlight. This is
important because I've just started rewriting a classic Web Forms app with
Blazor, and before I go any further I have to figure out how mature
OpenSilver is, and if I can switch to it immediately (a job for the

I thought "Razor pages" was a separate lighter replacement for full-weight
Web Forms or MVC (I think?)

*GK *

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