> For those interested in this story, here is some new information regarding
> the audit:
> https://www.audit.vic.gov.au/report/implementing-a-new-infringements-management-system
> I found the following quote from the article particularly interesting:
> *"DJCS expected VIEW to deliver 90 per cent of its required functionality
> at the go-live date. However, following its launch, it became apparent that
> the vendor had delivered substantially less functionality than DJCS
> expected, which DJCS later estimated to be 5 per cent on go live."*

Wow! well found. I only scrolled down the very long page, but it looks like
they bought an off-the-shelf system that needed +70% customisation. They
did not have the IT expertise to know what they were buying or might need
to build. There was no proper manager over the whole thing. Oh! There were
conflicts of interest. Inadequate contract management. Inadequate testing.

As an aside: the article only contains 13 "impacts".

*Greg K*

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