I find it very hard to believe Blazor demand has overtaken JS. That’s an
insane comment from Adam

On Fri, 8 Sep 2023 at 12:05, Greg Keogh via ozdotnet <ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com>

> Is anyone here actively using Blazor on a decent sized project? I used it
>> for a while on my last contract but am unable to find new work anywhere
>> that uses Blazor, not a single one!
> Compared to server-side ASP.NET and JS Frameworks, Blazor is a gift from
> heaven .. well ... sort-of. Here's a Friday story.
> With the death of Silverlight, we had to replace an app with a quite rich
> UI with something else, what?! Like many people, I was spitting chips angry
> at the suggestion we must replace our Silverlight apps with HTML5 apps. The
> idea that HTML+CSS+JS could replace a WPF-like rich web UI made me laugh
> and cry at the same time.
> Angular was really popular around 2018 so we got an offer to write a JS
> replacement for $200/hr. I then decided to learn Angular and watched 5
> hours of a 10 hour Angular course, at which point I gave up and said f**k
> that s**t. Now what?
> Luckily, Blazor 0.9 was in preview around this time. I spent a whole
> Sunday afternoon experimenting with Blazor. By the end of the day I had
> quite a sophisticated hobby app working with only a few hundred lines of
> coding, thanks to the familiarity of using VS, C# and Razor markup (with a
> bit of JS). The same app in ASP.NET would have taken 5 times as long and
> 5 times the code. The same app in Angular would have required unfamiliar
> tooling and millions of lines of script.
> To answer your question, I have one quite complex Blazor app being used by
> some huge US companies to analyse marketing data (using Telerik and
> SpreadJS components to attempt to make charts and grids as fancy as was
> possible in Silverlight). I have a couple of smaller apps in live use, and
> few little ones for utility use.
> I know the guys at Melbourne App Development
> <https://melbourneappdevelopment.com/> are really keen on Blazor and were
> using it for some serious apps just as it reached version 1.0. About 18
> months ago, Adam Cogan at SSW said during the preamble to one of their
> monthly presentations, that Blazor demand had overtaken JS.
> I hope other people in here have similar stories.
> I must end on a sad note. ASP.NET, Blazor, JS, or whatever, all finish-up
> rendering in a web browser. It's tragic that the ancient dumb web browser
> is now the only host for web apps, and that we must attempt to present
> serious business applications using HTML, CSS and JS. The web browser was
> invented so we could have flame wars and look at pictures of cats and porn,
> it's barely evolved since then and it's completely inadequate for rendering
> business applications. Sure it can, but look at the flaming hoops and all
> the weird quirks you have to jump through. Web development is in a
> lamentable state.
> *Greg Keogh*
> --
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