Dear Di,
I am new to the list and have spent time each day following different topics, so I hope the following will be of some benefit.
We were given the opportunity to have Medi Balls demonstrated at the 1997 ACMI Vic AGM in Geelong by Murray Ceff of Healthtrek. As midwives, we were impressed by their versatility and comfort, so I organized to have Murray come and give an information and demonstration session at Geelong Hospital. I invited midwives from local hospitals and surrounding districts to attend and was delighted with the response.
We invested in two balls initially and have just recently ordered four more balls ( so that each room has its own ball). The balls have been used on a daily basis since and I believe they are an essential aid in assisting women cope with their labour and birth experience.I have found they reduce the length of labour because;
a) women tend to relax better on them thus allowing their contractions to work more efficiently.
b) rocking on the ball tilts the pelvis back and forth and encourages optimal foetal positioning.
c) a wonderful relief for tired legs
d) the pelvis is still able to flex and move, because the ball acts like a sling without restricting the pelvis' flexibility which tends to occur when sitting on a birth stool, toilet  or lying in bed.
The ball is also useful instead of a beanbag. Most of the women I care for use the ball in the shower and then stand or kneel to give birth once the head is on view. Some of the midwives have favourite colours and currently the "purple ball" is the most popular. Apparently purple stimulates the pituitary gland. I'm not too fussed by how it works - I just know that it does.
I was a keen user of the birth stool, but have not bothered with it since using the balls. Murray has a website  or you can email him -
Murray Ceff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> . His Website has all the information about safety, strength and cost if you are interested.
I imagine there are other suppliers out there and in other states, however this is a starting point.
Regards for now,

Diana Stubbs. RM, IBCLC, BA. Nur

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