Tina as far as I know there is no body that has the power to formally 
investigate complaints and police hospitals about breaches (not breeches - 
they're different) of the 10 Steps or WHO Code, or any other voluntary 
standard.  The real power is the collective voice of consumers.  A letter 
to the management, with a cc to the State Baby Friendly committee, stating 
the person's concerns - not so much about the failure to adhere to the 
standard, but about the potential harm that could result from that act - 
will be read. The Health Complaints Commissioner could be contacted, but 
you may have a job convincing her/him to act on your behalf.
The baby friendly assessment at present refers to well mothers and babies, 
so a baby readmitted for jaundice would be considered outside the 10 steps 
standard.  This does not change the issue of the mother's expectation to be 
informed and to give consent. I used to work in a the first Australian Baby 
Friendly hospital, and there was a notice on the board stating very clearly 
that if any staff member gave a breastfed baby anything other than mother's 
milk without mother's consent and following the written protocol, that 
staff member would not continue their employment.

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