In a message dated 11/10/02 9:41:45 PM AUS Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The pH of the vagina is low for vaginal health as it inhibits the growth of microrganisims etc...

Hi Lynne, Marilyn and all,

according to Stables (2000 p. 24), the pH of the vagina is 4.5 The acid medium of the vagina is needed to maintain vaginal health, as "pathogenic organisms are less likely to invade in this pH". The acid medium is maintained by superficial cells within the vagina that are continuously exfoliated, releasing their glycogen. Doderlein's bacillus metabolise the glycogen, producing lactic acid as a waste product - this in turn, results in the "normal vaginal acid medium of 4.5".

Ref: Stables D. 2000 Physiology in Childbearing, with anatomy and related biosciences p. 24.

Yours in reforming midwifery
Tina Pettigrew
Bachelor of Midwifery Student
Victoria University

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