Dear List
Son's girlfriend works in a toy store. When I asked her about this doll (thought it could be a useful prop for a sibling  antenatal education class) she informed me that Mattel  'Barbie'  competitor 'Steffi Love' has had a similar product on Australian toy shelves for some time. So I bought one! Retailed for $16.99, this toy has a pregnant tummy with a babe "in utero" which can be removed along with the pregnant abdo wall. From behind this doll does not have the classic hourglass shape of a "Barbie", and  this doll has fuller breasts than a "Barbie" - both suggestive of a womans pregnant shape, but I dont know if this is just this model or the basic
doll shape of this brand. I think it will be a wonderful aid when talking about pregnancy with children which is where I will be using it. Interesting that the Oz media hasnt picked up on this product yet is all a flutter over the Mattel one!!!!!
Alesa Koziol
Clinical Midwifery Educator

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