Dear Andrea
I will look at coming to Sydney for Maggie's workshop..
I am currently working a Nursing Home!!

I have tried Private Practis and would again tomorrow if I could earn enough
to pay my mortgage (which is low) and feed myself and put petrol in my car!!

It takes a while to biuld up a practice!
I tried all sorts of things for 2 years and had 5 clients!!

So it takes more than confidence.

That is why I have been busy with MC and NMAP.
Also I have tried to get a program on ABC Australian Story and Reality Bites
about 1-2-1 midwifery (something in piepline for GNT as a result tho).

Even Perth women believe hospital and doctors are necessary for birth the
demand beyond the CMP is insufficient to full employ those midwives and many
of them also have a few private clients..

Australian women and midwives need to see  Australian led midwifery birth on

Have I mised something was there any discussion of the  Birthrites program
Denise Hynd

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.  For,
indeed, they are the only ones who ever have."
Margaret Mead
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrea Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Birth summary forms

> Hi Liz,
> I know that you are not the only midwife working within the system who
> would love to take the plunge and become and independent practitioner.
> have told me that what is stopping them is a lack of confidence.
> To help all these aspiring independent practitioners (and those who want
> feel more authoritative within the system), we have asked Maggie Banks to
> present her highly acclaimed Midwifery Intensives workshop in Sydney in
> November. This 2 1/2 day course covers dealing with midwifery emergencies
> (a bit like the ALSO Course, but with a midwifery focus not a medical
> approach) and is designed to instill confidence, improve practical skills,

> provide an evidence base for practice and encourage autonomy. The full
> details will be on the web site next week and in the catalogue that is
> coming out on 2 weeks.
> This might be just what you need, and  lot closer to home.
> Warm regards,
> Andrea
> At 07:29 PM 14/07/2004, you wrote:
> >Hi Jan,
> >thanks so much for your post. I too would love to work outside the
> >hospital system however being a recent graduate and having no-one to
> >"apprentice" me, I lack the confidence to do so. I feel my only option is
> >to work overseas for a while (an expensive option with 3 children and
> >partner in tow). In the meantime I embrace the wise-woman knowledge I
> >encounter on this list. I have another question too. The docs where I
> >have the fear that the cervix will close before the placenta can birth. I
> >think this is their reasoning for manual removals if they are not out in
> >the specified time frame. Is this because of the syntocinon given for
> >medically managed third stage, or is this a realistic possibility also
> >physiological third stage? Once again, forgive my ignorance.
> >blessings,
> >Liz.
> -----
> Andrea Robertson
> Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education
> web:
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