wow Mary, unbelievable.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 9:52 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Anti D problems..

Marilyn wrote:
> in fact we would have been breaking the law if we had attended a
> birth without emergency oxytocics and if we didn't have the knowledge about
> when to administer them emergently then we would never have been licensed.
We would also be seen as and diciplined for being negligent..but it doesn't change the fact that we have no authority to give drugs, order simple blood work, Ultrasound, CTG etc. without the doctors written order.  The Pilot of  "The expanded role of the midwife" is currently being tried in 3 hospital sites in W.A.  The homebirth midwives on the Govt funded program and those in private practice, never got a look in.  We are really the ones who get desperate for ways of supplying what we are expected to provide.  Most G.P's & hospital clinics refuse to give women prescriptions for their back-up drugs (Synto etc)because "they won't be present when it is being administered." It is certainly still a battle. 
> So if you need a doctors order can't this be covered by a standing order
> from the doc you consult  or refer to? No. "standing orders", even in hospital are not legal, that is why they are looking to introduce the "expanded role" in hospitals.  
  Is there any university here that offers a Pharmaceutical Course and Legal issues for independant midwives?Just doing a course won't make it legalThere is a course that goes along with the expanded role of the midwife program, but as I said, we are not included. MM

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