hi again vida,
If you don't mind i'm going to pass on your web site to a friend of mine in Tauranga who is looking at her options of training to be a midwife, maybe this will interest her as well.

Kirsten (Dobbs)

~~~start life with a midwife~~~
----- Original Message ----- From: "Vida Rye" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2004 12:42 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] doula article

Kirsten (don't know surname, but from Darwin - email Callum & Kirsten
I have recently brought Andrea Robertsons book, the midwife companion,
and I have to say this book will never leave my side.<<<<<

This is one of the first books that I ever read when I started my journey as
a Doula - I borrowed it from a friend and always said that one day I would
buy a copy! :o)

Kirsten, you are very fortunate to be in a part of the world where it sounds
like there are a number of women-centred midwives... sadly it is so not the
case all over.... There are many midwives that for whatever personal
circumstance or environmental reasons cannot give so much of themselves to
the women they support and I feel that I can be available for those women
who need more.... and I am not so sure that I would make such a good midwife
as I would be frustrated and constantly fighting "the system" I was working
within (hospital protocols etc..) and the "politics" instead of focusing on
the women I was supporting.... :o)

As long as there is a mutual respect and clear, honest communication between
Doulas/Birth Companions and Midwives, their joint support of the woman will
be *amazing*. Doulas nor Midwives have the monopoly on providing nurturing
during labour and birth - the midwife and doula can do this together - after
all is there such a thing as giving *too* much love/nurturing at that
special time if the woman is needing it.... and if it is the woman's choice
to have a further support person/family member/doula there then this should
be honoured.

Just as an aside, we attended our first antenatal class the other day and in
the group there was me and another midwife - we were both hoping to have
home births and everyone else was planning to be in hospital and I was
stunned and saddened (all over again) by the level of fear already in the
other couples about the impending birth, whereas I am sooo looking forward
to whatever happens..... we need to work together collectively to reverse
this situation.

I see myself as very fortunate because, being in the role I am, I have been
able to get to know who the "holistic-view" midwives are where I live, so my
husband and I will have 2 super homebirth midwives for the birth of our own
baby. Other women are not in that position and I hear from them regularly
that they have ended up with a midwife purely because she was "the only one
available" rather than the woman being able to choose who matched her
philosophy most - they then tell me of the restrictions already being placed
on how they would prefer to birth.... :o(

It is so good to have this e-communication with people around the world who
are so passionate about birth and parenting - it is good to know we are "out
there" ... and thank you too to Kim (Stead) for your positive comments -
have seen you on the NZ e-lists and you will know many of the wonderful
midwives I have met here in Wellington I'm sure :o)

Best wishes


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