Hi all,

I'm needing a bit of information if you are able to help me.  My sister
in law just came home from a 20 week scan. The Gyno told her that there
was some space in the baby's brain.  He measured the distance from the
skull to the inner membrane(??) 5 times and only once did the meaurement
come up a percentage difference from the normal. They were strongly
advised to have an amnio but they turned it down because they will not
abort under any circumstance.  They then advised her to go again for
another scan in 2 weeks.  She turned that down too, as she doesn't want
to know (she's in denial as she thinks everything is fine). I'm thinking
the scan is a good way of determining whether this 'space' is growing
along with the baby. As a childbirth Educator I couldn't answer any of
their quesitons. Can anyone shed some light onto this?  Sorry this
information is sketchy, but they were too stressed to take in any decent

Thanks in advance
Sylvia Boutsalis
Childbirth Educator
Infant Massage Instructor

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