I don't want to drag out this discussion on epidurals etc but just had to reply to this.  I think it is a big deal if a woman decides to have an epidural prior to induction of labour.  Look at how long it can take to induce a primip... 3 or 4 lots of Prostin, ARM and then Synto.  So realistically we could be looking at having an epidural in for maybe 24 hours before the woman is in established labour? (DVT here we come!)  What about the women who just have one lots of Prostins or an ARM and go onto labour beautifully without any further intervention?  I don't think induced labour necessarily means that women "need" the most powerful drugs we have available. What about all the non-pharmacological pain relief methods?  I've seen plenty of women induced who choose not to have an epidural.  Sure if that's what they want and they're FULLY informed, then it is their choice and we should support them. 
I wonder how many women know that having an epidural doesn't necessarily equal a more positive birth experience.  There was some research done in NSW on this a few years back and women who had epidurals reported less satisfaction with their births 6 months later than those who didn't.  What about the research being done recently about the link with maternal drug use in labour and their offspring's addiction to amphetamines later in life?  Giving potent drugs in labour (whether by epidural or PCA) which affect the mother, her labour and her baby is to me anyway, a big deal.

Nicole Cousins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Im not sure what the big deal is.  If a woman decides that she would like an epidural before an induction is started why shouldn't she have it.  Are we not here to surpport women in there wishes and if their wish is for a pain free labour shouldn't we try to do that for them.  Not everyone is the same and should we not try to meet everyones needs.  And a PCA during labour, what a great idea if thats what she wants, then she is than incontrol of her own pain relief.  Women in control of their of their labour and their needs. 
Nicole----- Original Message -----

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