This IOL for Drs going on holidays happens all the time ! I'm not saying it's right, just that it's very common.
It's also very common to book women knowing that the OB will be on leave when she's due & a colleague will cover, but they usually tell the woman that this is the case.
I'm not into defending Obs generally but they are entitled to a life. It is the usual routine & polite for them to schedule a meeting to introduce the covering OB to the woman so they've met at least once prior to the birth though.
Don't despair, midwives do it too................as a group we aren't above reproach !
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 8:10 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] another induction

Hi all,
a woman I know has been asked by her OB if she will consent to be induced at 39 weeks (ie right now) because he's going away. Yes, you read it right. He took on a client knowing he was going to be away when she came to the end of her pregnancy OR he decided to go away after taking her on - either is appalling. I've sent her Henci Goer on induction along with my outrage and suggestion that she complain about him officially.
I'm so enraged by it. I'm just livid! What other branch of medicine would this happen in???
Sigh. Roll on the medicare stuff and proper care for women and babies.
J < - almost despairing but not quite...
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