I wonder if some talking through, some info and the importance of skin to skin contact after birth could help here.  This may be related to previous sexual abuse, but then again, maybe not.  Many survivors of sexual abuse find that breastfeeding can be extremely healing, and a way of reclaiming back their bodies.
Men handling my breasts doesn't make me feel ill as such, but I hate the sensation.   It gives me the fingernails scraped on the chalkboard feeling.  In some cultures (apparently) men are considered imature and unmanly if they want to play with breasts.
On the other hand, I have breastfed 4 children beautifully for over 13 years.  They can suck, knead and cuddle to their heart's content - I love it! (though nipple twiddling is rather annoying)
So there may be many reasons for not liking your breasts being touched and it may help to know other women feel the same and still go on to breastfeed.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Breastfeeding

I've seen this before and it was indeed related to sexual abuse. Fortunately the woman involved was keen that her issues didn't end up impacting negatively on the life of her baby so she went for counselling and was able to work through her stuff enough to bf. How sad that our abusers are able to reach through us to our children like this.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:05 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Breastfeeding

I'm posting this on behalf of a birth attendant who has contacted me. She will be supporting a woman soon who has for want of a better term, 'breast issues'.
The woman really wants to breastfeed but the thought of it makes her feel ill. She hates it when her partner touches her breasts. The birth attendant is not sure whether this is related to previous sexual abuse or not.
I've never come across this situation before and wondered if others had experience of this and what helped the women?
Andrea Bilcliff

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