On 2012-09-09T13:30:36, Alberto Menichetti <albmeniche...@tai.it> wrote:

> I've successfully configured and tested the stonith plugin
> "external/vcenter"; but this plugin introduces a single point of
> failure in my cluster infrastructure because it depends on the
> availability of the virtual center (which is, in the customer
> environment, a virtual machine).

It's not exactly a single point of failure, since you need two failures
for this to matter - the first failure being the one that causes the
fence, and a second one for the vcenter instance to be down at that

> I was thinking to introduce an additional fencing device, to be used
> when the virtual center is unavailable; is this a suggested
> deployment?
> The fecing device I'd like to use is sdb.

If you have a working SBD setup, you do not need the external/vcenter
plugin any more.


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