Hello Louis,

Thanks for your detailed response.

Naturally, fixes need approval and there is always the next release:)

As for the node deactivation, I think there are several options. IMO, it
needs to at least be settable - i.e., if the PF admin declares a node
inactive, then inactive it is.

Secondly, I'd say something like active polling may work. As soon as you
poll and fail to detect it at the switch you last saw it plugged in you
mark it as inactive. Nothing wrong with that, IMO - if it reappears
elsewhere you just mark it as active again.

Be that as it may- what is the current SOP for handling these situations?



On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 5:22 PM, Louis Munro <lmu...@inverse.ca> wrote:

> Hi Boris,
> On Jul 23, 2015, at 5:10 PM, Boris Epstein <borepst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Louis,
> Thanks, installed it, playing with it.
> Looks good - unfortunately, it looks like the RADIUS IP tracking fix which
> I have tested and which seems to work didn't make it.
> See:
> https://github.com/borepstein/packetfence
> That was too late for inclusion in 5.3.
> There’s a lot of testing that goes into a release, so last minute changes
> often end up being in the next release.
> We need to take a look at that and I may have a few suggestions (making it
> optional, logging etc.).
> Never fear, there will be a 5.4.
> Also, do you know if there has been any work on detecting when nodes go
>  off-line and marking them as inactive?
> I don’t think anything has been done about that.
> It’s a harder problem than it looks at first glance.
> How do you do it?
> Using radius accounting? That might work.
> What is harder is making it reliable.
> Packets get dropped, switches are disconnected etc.
> Pull requests are welcome, as always.
> You could also open an issue on github if you haven’t done it yet.
> Regards,
> --
> Louis Munro
> lmu...@inverse.ca  ::  www.inverse.ca
> +1.514.447.4918 x125  :: +1 (866) 353-6153 x125
> Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence (
> www.packetfence.org)
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