Hello Louis,

I am fully with you as far as the notion of polling being burdensome and
not scaling well goes. And perhaps I lack clear understanding of what of a
node's intended life cycle - and that may be a cause for some confusion.

Let us say I have a node that i have disconnected and no longer have any
use for - it died, went to heaven, etc. So do I delete it - or just keep it
around as a memory in PF? Because for now it appears difficult to delete -
through the interface at least.

Or, perhaps, do I create a special role to it - like "departed" - and
assign it to that node?

This is what I am confused about.

Thanks in advance for any and all help.



On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 9:58 AM, Louis Munro <lmu...@inverse.ca> wrote:

> On Jul 27, 2015, at 7:08 , Boris Epstein <borepst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As for the node deactivation, I think there are several options. IMO, it
> needs to at least be settable - i.e., if the PF admin declares a node
> inactive, then inactive it is.
> Secondly, I'd say something like active polling may work. As soon as you
> poll and fail to detect it at the switch you last saw it plugged in you
> mark it as inactive. Nothing wrong with that, IMO - if it reappears
> elsewhere you just mark it as active again.
> Polling does not scale all that well and is more trouble that it’s worth.
> Some people have thousands of switches.
> It would require a separate daemon that polls asynchronously and
>  reconciles the locationlog.
> I would need compelling arguments before I start doing that considering
> that RADIUS accounting already gets us 80% of the way there.
> Be that as it may- what is the current SOP for handling these situations?
> What situations exactly?
> I must say I am not entirely sure I follow you.
> Can you tell us explicitly what you consider an “active” node?
> Best regards,
> --
> Louis Munro
> lmu...@inverse.ca  ::  www.inverse.ca
> +1.514.447.4918 x125  :: +1 (866) 353-6153 x125
> Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence (
> www.packetfence.org)
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