Hi team,

OK - tried the pfcmd method which didnt work for me... I have had a bit of
a go at the code to make it work as it wasn't adding entries to ipset
correctly (inline, I know there have been issues with this in the past)
which may have broken something.

I've now written a perl script that I run via cron:


## script to unregister all hosts - run this by cron at end of lesson.
## 1 - set all nodes' status to unreg in DB
## 2 - flush reg ipset table.

## DB bit:

use DBI;

my $dbServer="";
my $uid="root";
my $pwd="password1withacapitalP";
my $db="pf";

my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$db;host=$dbServer";

my $dbHandle = DBI->connect("$dsn", "$uid", "$pwd")
              or die "Cannot log into $dbServer\n";

my $query = "UPDATE pf.node SET status='unreg'";

my $qHandle = $dbHandle->prepare ($query);
$qHandle->execute ();


## ipset bit:

`/usr/sbin/ipset flush pfsession_Reg_10.15.228.0`;

Early indications suggest this works...


Jim Potter
Network Manager
Oasis Brislington (formerly Brislington Enterprise College)

On 25 May 2015 at 11:06, Nathan, Josh <josh.nat...@bfacademy.de> wrote:

> Oh, I did forget to mention! If we unregister too many people at a time,
> we have to restart the PacketFence service. Not sure what the conflict is,
> but running that command a couple hundred times corrupts one of the running
> files or something, and then nothing can register until it's restarted. We
> really only do a mass deregister once a week, so we do it in the middle of
> the night, and then restart the services. But I don't know if that issue
> persists with newer versions of PacketFence, and I've only ever run
> PacketFence on Centos 6.x.
> Thanks,
> Joshua Nathan
> IT Administrator
> Black Forest Academy
> +49 (0) 7626-916123
> On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 12:02 PM, Nathan, Josh <josh.nat...@bfacademy.de>
> wrote:
>> We do something similar to this, actually. However, while we used to run
>> a query against the database, something changed with the upgrade to 4.0
>> that caused that to stop working. They'd be listed as "unregistered" in the
>> database, but still have access.  I was able to put together a pfcmd
>> command that would do it, though. Here's what I have:
>> /usr/local/pf/bin/pfcmd node edit [mac address]
>> status="unreg",unregdate="[datetime in YearMonthDayHourMinuteSecond format]"
>> We use a Perl script to generate the list of Mac addresses, and then loop
>> through them with this command.
>> Thanks,
>> Joshua Nathan
>> IT Administrator
>> Black Forest Academy
>> +49 (0) 7626-916123
>> On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 4:04 PM, Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold <
>> xenoph...@godshell.com> wrote:
>>> > On May 22, 2015, at 18:17, Mr J Potter <jpotter...@because.org.uk>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hi Jason,
>>> >
>>> > Did you find a way of doing this? I need to deregister all users
>>> periodically (plan is 7 times a day), and being able to do this via cron
>>> would be great.
>>> There's no built-in way to do this easily, but you can manipulate the
>>> database and perform the same process.  Just build a query that finds the
>>> devices you're looking to deregister and then put them all in a state of
>>> unregistered.
>>> That said, it may be worth re-thinking things a little.  The automatic
>>> mechanisms within Packetfence are pretty good.  You can probably set the
>>> timers for 7 days and have the system handle this for you.
>>> > thanks,
>>> >
>>> > Jim Pott
>>> Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold
>>> xenoph...@godshell.com
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