Hi Jason,

Did you find a way of doing this? I need to deregister all users
periodically (plan is 7 times a day), and being able to do this via cron
would be great.


Jim Potter
Network Manager
Oasis Brislington (formerly Brislington Enterprise College)

On 31 May 2014 at 00:02, Jason Frisvold <xenoph...@godshell.com> wrote:

> Greetings!
>         With the previous NAC solution we had, we would periodically purge
> the
> database of all users of specific classes.  Packetfence is supposed to
> handle all of that programatically through expiration.  However, I'm not
> sure that's happening properly.  I'm not entirely certain how to debug
> the problem, either.  I clearly have nodes with locationlog entries that
> are far older than the settings I have in expiration, as well as nodes
> with no locationlog entries that are far older than the node lifetime.
>         In the meantime, as I'm trying to debug the problem, I need to
> deregister an entire class of user.  How do I go about that?  While I
> can use the CLI pfcmd tool to get a list of all of these users, I don't
> see a way to change the registration value for a node via the CLI.  Nor
> do I see a way to mass deregister via the GUI beyond the select all,
> choose deregister from the dropdown menu.  That would work, but you can
> only choose a single page worth of entries, and I have a LOT of pages...
> Thanks!
> --
> ---------------------------
> Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold
> xenoph...@godshell.com
> ---------------------------
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