
sorry for the late answer, I was sick in bed...

On 29.02.2016 08:00, Olaf Hering wrote:
On Sun, Feb 28, Hendrik Vogelsang wrote:

this seems to be a bad combination as it leads to crashes in libavformat in
av_opt_next whenever something tries to play sounds.

I think the bug is that kodi links against  ffmpeg-2.8 and libX. And
libX in turn links either against ffmpeg-3 or another libY which links
against ffmpeg-3.

I doubt that as simply building against ffmpeg-2.8[1] is avoiding the crash.

> I will see what I find. Did that error occour just
this weekend, or did it already happen during last week?

I've noticed it on the weekend but it could have happened earlier because I don't necessarily restart kodi with every package update...


[1] https://pmbs.links2linux.org/project/show/home:hennevogel:kodi
Henne Vogelsang
"To die. In the rain. Alone."
                   Ernest Hemingway

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