> We are thinking about making our software available
> for Smartphones, wich would mean porting the projects
> to Symbian and PPC. The leading idea right now is
> using J2ME, does anyone have experience with it? Do
> you recomend any other enviroment?


very soon, to show its not just a J2ME wanna-be, we'll be releasing
the first full game ported over to SHARK here:


we also have an emulator (not going to mention what machine) running
in SHARK, boasting full speeds on *all* 4 four platforms in ARM mode.
the exact details are covered by an NDA - but, we'll post info when
we can *g*

Aaron Ardiri                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CEO - CTO                                           +46 70 656 1143
Mobile Wizardry                      http://www.mobilewizardry.com/

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