I've made localized overlays using PRC2OVL for the creation of the overlay,
and Constructor for the translations.
Constructor opens the overlay file, I can translate and save, but when I
hotsync the overlay file, it is still the base version  of the prc which
runs. The overlay is correctly loaded, but is not used.
Any idea of what I could have missed ?
The base program has for name Prog3.prc, and the ovelay is named
Prog3_frFR.prc as stated in prc2ovl guide.
But if I check the infos on the palm, the base program's name is Prog3.prec,
and the overlay's name is completed by the version number
Is it possible that the overlay could not work if the name is not the same
one than the name of the base (except the frFR extension) ?

Yes. The name of the overlay (in the PRC's DB header) must be the same as the base PRC's DB header name, plus the appropriate locale suffix.

The name of the overlay file on your desktop ("Prog3_frFR.prc", in your example above) doesn't matter.

Neither does the name of overlay PRC as displayed by the Launcher, as this should be coming from the tAIN resource inside of your overlay.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200

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