hiker posted on Wed, 14 Sep 2016 05:28:08 +0000 as excerpted:

> ~+uh*>tn0(i+SB/:4bgb\^aT]CiT3G&:cEkR.yX(JX70|Jcg%24pj1K%pD-
>       c{9>L<
> References: <nr8ic8$prl$3...@blaine.gmane.org>
>       <1d114c88-1797-9357-1f39-1b08ab7455ea-
>       <nr8mb9$r05$1...@blaine.gmane.org>
>       <cd0a130d-35ef-a840-f962-2ac38587010e-
>       <nr8qgq$a95$1...@blaine.gmane.org> <nr9asa$176$2...@blaine.gmane.org>
>       <pan$8a90a$958549b0$d90b4e87$39e8b5a3-
> X-No-Archive: yes User-Agent: Pan/0.140 (Chocolate Salty Balls; GIT
> b8fc14e
>  git.gnome.org/git/pan2)
> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> On Wed, 14 Sep 2016 05:16:58 +0000 Duncan wrote:
>> So unless you have some sort of ssl tunneling setup, you cannot
>> _possibly_ be correct with ssl working fine in your 0.14 claim, as pan
>> didn't support (built-in) secure connections _at_ _all_ some 10 years
>> ago or whatever with the 0.14.x version.
> So the so-called SSL connection to THE NNTP server on port 563 isn't a
> *secure* connection?

You're running 0.140 (git b8fc14e, and not 0.14) according to your 
headers, so it should indeed be secure.

However, something's wrong with your headers, as part of the headers 
appear as message body.  The problem appears to be a corrupted header 
with a blank line embedded before the references header, which is the 
first complete header that appears in the message body.  According to the 
RFCs, two CRLF sequences in a row, with the first ending the last header 
and the second effectively being a blank line between the last header and 
the message body, terminates the header section, so when a header is 
corrupted to add a second CRLF immediately after another one, the rest of 
the message becomes body.

Based on previous bugs (one of which I experienced in pan and reported to 
upstream gmime myself, after some help debugging it right on this list, a 
couple years ago), I'd guess there's a relatively high chance it's a 
libgmime bug, however, not a pan bug directly.  What version of gmime did 
you build against?

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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