Hi All,

As part of asking the Security Directorate to review draft-ohba-pana- relay-02.txt, I reviewed the Security Considerations section and tried to determine how/if this relay changes the security model for PANA.

As I understand it, the original PANA protocol relied on return routability... We didn't worry about address spoofing, because the credentials were returned to the address they were meant for, meaning that only an on-link (or on path? -- but we didn't allow a path originally) attacker could spoof a client address and see the response. With introduction of relay code on the PAA, any node can pretend to be a PRE
and get credentials for any other node.

This isn't mentioned in the Security considerations section, but it is potentially significant. So, there might be a need for the PAA to authorize the PRE before responding to messages from it. If there is some reason why you don't believe the PAA needs to authorize the PRE, you would (at the very least) need to explain that in the Security Considerations section.


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