Thu Jan 28 15:01:56 2010: Request 54074 was acted upon.
Transaction: Ticket created by
       Queue: PAR-Packer
     Subject: PAR test fails a gui test with Win32/
   Broken in: 1.002
    Severity: Normal
       Owner: Nobody
      Status: new
 Ticket <URL: >

Most of this was mentioned in Bug #52794, but there is a different bug, too.

As mentioned in 52794, needs PAR/Filter/, but
PAR/Filter/ is installed with  In a fresh Perl
install, since is not there, there are a lot of "Can't find"
messages, and the said output verbiage interferes with the t/20 tests. 
Because of that, we cannot spot the bug subject here.  Namely, that one
of the t/20 tests that tests a gui switch fails.

The current solution to the first problem (for me, that is) is to simply
install PAR::Packer, just to get the installed.  Then I can
rerun the "dmake test" to see if there are any "real" bugs.  There is.
Test pp_gui_tests fails.

I will paste the relevant parts of the results below.

C:\temp\PAR-Packer-1.002>dmake test
... etcetera, etcetera, ...
t/10-parl-generation.t ... ok
t/20-pp.t ................ 31/34 Can't call method "remove" on an
undefined value at C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/ line 220.

#   Failed test 'pp_gui_tests
t/20-pp.t ................ 32/34 # amsg572: sub pp_gui_tests cannot
system pp --gui --icon hi.ico -o hello.exe such file or
# '
#   at line 8446.
t/20-pp.t ................ 34/34 # Looks like you failed 1 test of 34.
t/20-pp.t ................ Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/34 subtests
t/30-current_exec.t ... etcetera, etcetera, ...

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