On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Fulko Hew <fulko....@gmail.com> wrote:

> wanted to do that to ensure that there was only a single set of cached info
> regardless of the number of invocations (because I was seeing multiple
> temp-nnn directories!

The temp-nnn directories (below /tmp/par-USER) are from executables
generated with "pp --clean ..." (or corresponding settings of PAR_CLEAN etc)
and will be removed automatically if the packed executable exits.

The cache-nnn directories are from executables NOT packed with --clean
and will persist. There is only one cache-nnn for each packed executable.
It is created on the first invocation of the executable.
The NNN part  is actually a SHA1 digest over what was packed, script,
modules, warts and all; so if you modify you script and re-pack a different
cache-nnn directory will be created whe you run it.

Cheers, Roderich

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