On 9/6/2013 12:41 AM, Roderich Schupp wrote:

On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 2:18 AM, Glenn Linderman <v+p...@g.nevcal.com <mailto:v+p...@g.nevcal.com>> wrote:

    So then I saw there was a newer version of IO-zlib than what is
    installed, but trying to ppm that gives me a "failed 401
authorization error"

Hi Glenn,
have you tried to build IO::Compress yourself, e.g. using the cpan shell or cpanm (App::cpanminus)?

That thought finally occurred to me. It seemed like the PAR::Packer was assuming ppm downloads for dependencies, and I was wondering if there was an option to assume CPAN instead. Such might be a nice option to have, especially for other distributions that don't use ppm. I'm not sure if there are any that can't... Thanks to Ron for the suggestion to use Strawberry, although I haven't yet.

Then it occurred to me that it might be possible to bounce off the errors thrown by attempting to make PAR::Packer, and do individual makes of all the dependencies, such that PAR::Packer wouldn't invoke ppm, because everything was up-to-date and installed...

    So the question is: is it better to convert to a different
    distribution of 5.8.8 or go to ActivePerl 5.16 or go to a
    different distribution of 5.16

Upgrading to 5.16 (whatever distribution) probably needs a lot of work wrt your custom C extensions -
the Perl internals have considerably changed since 5.8.8.

Thanks for the confirmation, I'm probably not aware of all the changes, either, as I haven't been keeping up on all the Perl lists, this one being low-volume enough that I have, though.

Cheers, Roderich

I'm not sure where I'll be going with this from here... for the short term, for the two users that convinced me to add the feature, I may use alternate packaging instead of PAR, as I actually got the application/new feature working, and they want to use it, rather than wait for a clean distribution mechanism. Whether I eventually put the time in to get PAR and its dependencies installed on 5.8.8 again, or whether I tackle the changes in Perl internals so I can use the newer versions of things, or whether I switch to Strawberry/CPAN instead of ActiveState/PPM are good open questions.

Maybe rewriting this in Python will be easier :)

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