Mon Apr 07 12:03:48 2014: Request 94508 was acted upon.
Transaction: Ticket created by
       Queue: Module-ScanDeps
     Subject: Power Market Trading June in Houston
   Broken in: (no value)
    Severity: (no value)
       Owner: Nobody
      Status: new
 Ticket <URL: >

Fundamentals of Power Trading - June 10-11, 2014 - Houston, TX - Energy 
Management Institute



Attend EMI's Fundamentals of Power Trading course, held June 10-11, 2014, in
Houston, TX, and understand the most important issues impacting power trading

  * Gas versus coal generation economics

  * Impact of Dodd Frank on power trading

  * Shifting gas supply realities from shale gas production

Why You Should Attend

Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the essentials of power trading or a
more experienced energy professional who needs to learn the finer points,
Fundamentals of Power Trading will help you understand the key factors that
drive success in the power markets.

EMI Instructors

More Course Options
If you can't make this date or location, EMI also offers this course at:

New York, NY - Sept 17-18, 2014

View our current schedule for our most up-to-date course offerings.

EMI Course Schedule

Topics covered include:

  * Why power markets are the most volatile of all markets

  * The fundamental factors that drive the power markets

  * The role weather plays in determining prices

  * The role fuel prices play in determining prices

  * What Locational Marginal Prices are and why you should care

  * The difference between real time, day ahead and forward power prices

  * What trading tools are used in the power markets, and where can
    participants find liquidity

  * How power trading books are analyzed, and how risk management best
    practices apply

  * The status of power market de-regulation and where it's headed

  * How ancillary services, emissions and renewable mandates affect the power

Request a detailed course syllabus for a full list of topics covered and to
explore how this course can benefit you and your energy career.

Or register here.


EMI at Your Workplace

EMI Onsite Training brings EMI training directly to you at your workplace. You
get ultimate flexibility and affordability with the same high-quality, in-depth
instruction offered by our traditional programs.

Call EMI at 888.871.1207 to discuss our Onsite Training options, or request
info here.

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