Wed Jan 11 16:51:38 2017: Request 119737 was acted upon.
Transaction: Correspondence added by
       Queue: Module-ScanDeps
     Subject: Re: [ #119737] Problems with detecting 
DateTime::Format::Natural dependencies
   Broken in: (no value)
    Severity: (no value)
       Owner: RSCHUPP
      Status: open
 Ticket <URL: >

Hi Roderich,

On 09.01.2017 12:20, Till Korten wrote:
> Hi Roderich,
> thank you very much for the quick fix :)
> answers to your comments below:
> On 07.01.2017 15:30, Roderich Schupp via RT wrote:
>> <URL: >
>> On 2017-01-06 09:58:19, wrote:
>>> The problem is, that
>>> (~line 13) uses a whole host of packages
>>> with 'use base':
>>> use base qw(
>>>       DateTime::Format::Natural::Calc
>>>       DateTime::Format::Natural::Duration
>> PAR::Packer uses Module::ScanDeps to scan your program for modules that
>> it uses (recursively). And this is where Module::ScanDeps falls short
>> (quoted from its POD):
>>         Chunks that span multiple lines are not handled correctly.  For
>>         example, this one works:
>>             use base 'Foo::Bar';
>>         But this one does not:
>>             use base
>>                 'Foo::Bar';
> that explains the issue, thanks for clarifying!
>> Have you tried packing with "pp -x ..." or "pp -c ..."?
> no, I'll try that before updating PAR and let you know how it turns out.
I just tested the -x and -c flags:

-x does not work for my program because it is a service that does not 
exit by itself and thus the compilation hangs, waiting for the program 
to exit.

-c works perfectly :), thanks for pointing me towards that :)
>> Anyway, I'm adding an explicit rule for DateTime::Format::Natural to 
>> Module::ScanDeps
>> that should make it work "out of the box".
> thanks a lot!, i'll update PAR and test the fix (after testing 'pp -x' 
> and 'pp-c').
I just updated PAR (1.014), PAR::Packer (1.036) and Module::ScanDeps 
(1.23). However, that did not fix the issue for me. I guess, the fix did 
not make it into the official cpan repository,yet. Is there a way for me 
to test the fixed version already now or should I just wait for the next 
release? (waiting is no problem for me since the -c flag fixed the issue 
as well :) )
>>> I also had to add '-M DateTime/Format/Natural/Lang/'
>>> Interestingly, in this case the double colon notation did not work.
>> What exactly didn't work? I tried the following:
>> pp -o natural.exe -u -M DateTime::Format::Natural:: \
>>     -E 'use DateTime::Format::Natural;
>>         my $dt = 
>> DateTime::Format::Natural->new->parse_datetime("tomorrow");
>>         say "tomorrow is $dt";'
>> This works,
> I am getting an error reported by eval that it cannot find 
> DateTime/Format/Natural/Lang/, if I add ' -M 
> The error appears in a module I am using (either MP3::Tag or 
> Music::Tag::MP3). Apparently that module uses eval to execute 
> DateTime/Format/Natural/Lang/ However, since that is not my 
> code, and there is an easy workaround (adding the aforementioned ' -M 
>' parameter to the pp command), 
> I did not bother to find out what exactly is the issue. Interestingly, 
> the workaround works even under windows when specifying the module 
> with forward slashes (less surprisingly it also works on mac).
> Cheers and thanks again for your help!
> Till


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