
You are welcome! Thanks for letting us know the problem is resolved for you.


On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 8:12 AM, kai liu <liuwu...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Cory,
> Yes. ParaView's master branch works fine with STL load issue now. Thank
> you for your help!
> Kai L.
> On Wednesday, September 30, 2015 11:03 AM, Cory Quammen <
> cory.quam...@kitware.com> wrote:
> Kai,
> Thanks for filing these bug reports. I believe the STL load issue is
> already fixed in ParaView's master branch, but the bug fix did not make it
> into version 4.4.
> Best regards,
> Cory
> On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 7:13 PM, kai liu <liuwu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> I have filed both bug reports: STL file load issue and surface with edges
> issue in local rendering.
> http://www.paraview.org/Bug/view.php?id=15747
> http://www.paraview.org/Bug/view.php?id=15748
> Please let me know if I need to make changes/corrections in the bug
> reports.
> Thank you for all your assistance.
> Kai L.
> On Tuesday, September 29, 2015 11:04 AM, Scott Wittenburg <
> scott.wittenb...@kitware.com> wrote:
> Hello Kai,
>    Now after doing a clean build of a recent ParaView master, it seems I
> can no longer see the Mitchel.stl file, and the server produces the error
> logs you have mentioned somewhere above about the being unable to read the
> reading point.  So I would say at this point, there is perhaps a bug in the
> stl reader.  I wonder if you would be willing to file a bug report?  Maybe
> two while you're at it?
> 1) stl file load issue, it would be great if you are able to upload a file
> that can be used to reproduce the issue, something you don't mind sharing.
> 2) surface with edges issue in ParaViewWeb when doing local rendering
> We are still keeping track of bugs with Mantis for the time being:
> http://www.paraview.org/Bug/my_view_page.php
> Thanks!  Someone will get around to these when we get some time, but we
> probably can't estimate when that will be.
> Cheers,
> Scott
> On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 6:43 PM, kai liu <liuwu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear Scott,
> Should I just wait for the next patch release for the local rendering
> (WebGL) "Surface with edges" issue?
> I just tried the following commands to obtain the source from the GitLab
> and rebuilt the ParaViewWeb 4.4 with OSMesa, but it still does not resolve
> my stl loading issue. Am I still not getting latest 4.4 release with all
> the commits?
> .
> git clone https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview.git src
> cd src
> git submodule update --init
> On the other hand, I also tried to download and build from master .tar.gz
> file from the GitLab, but it seems not to have the latest submodule. I
> got the following error message:
> CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:625 (include):
>    include could not find load file:
>      vtkModuleAPI
>  CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:626 (include):
>    include could not find load file:
>      vtkModuleMacros
>  CMake Error at CMake/ParaViewMacros.cmake:416 (include):
>    include could not find load file:
>      vtkForwardingExecutable
> I am not sure how to update to the latest submodule since I did not use
> the git to clone the source.
> Thank you again!
> Kai L.
> On Friday, September 25, 2015 4:28 PM, Scott Wittenburg <
> scott.wittenb...@kitware.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 3:24 PM, kai liu <liuwu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear Scott:
> I do not have problems setting the representation to "Surface" with color
> "T" in local deprecated rendering mode. However, I do get the same error
> message with representation set to  "Surface with edges" or "Wireframe" with
> color "T" in local deprecated rendering.
> But "Surface with edges" and "Wireframe" with color "T" in remote
> rendering are fine.
> When I click "choose palette" , select "Cool to Warm" and click apply
> properties for my cube data sample, it does not apply to the geometry. One
> thing I have noticed is that it seems to have post backs twice because the
> drop-down menu selection goes from "Cool to Warm" to "choose platter"
>  after I clicked apply properties. Could this be my sever response issue?
> I think it probably is applying the color palette you choose to the
> geometry.  Think of the color palette as the starting point for your
> coloring scheme, and from there you can add and remove colors from the
> lookup table at will.  For this reason, we don't keep the value you choose
> for color palette in the drop-down box, because as soon as you adjust the
> lookup table, that palette name would no longer match the lookup table
> you're using.  Since the default color palette is "Cool to Warm", you don't
> notice any change when you choose that one again.  And since your data
> arrays have a numeric range of 0, you should just see blue.  If you change
> the color palette to "Red to Blue Rainbow", in your case, you will see the
> data become all red, though the color palette drop-down will not change.
> Also there is always  latency between user inputs and visualization. What
> I meant is that when users select and apply different properties to the 
> visualization,
> it seems to take awhile to apply those properties. For example, color
> management's representation and color selections. Could the latency be due
> to our ubuntu sever specifications?
> Some latency is expected, but I guess the question is how much latency you
> are seeing when changing properties and applying them.  A second to a
> couple of seconds is normal to apply property changes, but it could vary
> with the data you are visualizing.
> Could you please provide me the latest master git HTTPS clone URL ? I can
> try and rebuild the ParaViewWeb 4.4 with OSMesa.
> We have moved to gitlab recently, and I don't think you should need an
> account or anything to access the repo there.  Try this url:
> https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview.git
> On the main gitlab page (https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview)
> you should find links to the new development workflow documentation which
> can guide you through the process.
> My new question is that if we would like to start ParaViewWeb with our own
> default  view. For example, set the representation always to "Surface with
> edges", Set color always to "T" , set palette always to "Cool to Warm" and
> etc. Do we simply modify the HTML markup and possibly modify/add JavaScript
> to those files in www directory? . What would be the best way to handle
> this situation?
> That is probably not the way I would go with it, but I think this is
> beyond the scope of normal mailing list support questions.  If you are
> interested in customizing the Web Visualizer for your own needs, you could
> consider a support contract.  See here for some information:
> http://www.kitware.com/products/consulting.html
> Hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> Scott
> Sorry for all the questions. Thank you very much!
> Kai L
> On Friday, September 25, 2015 1:09 PM, Scott Wittenburg <
> scott.wittenb...@kitware.com> wrote:
> Hello Kai,
>    So in doing some more testing it seems, that the problem may actually
> be with the webgl exporter when you set the representation to "Surface with
> edges".  Can you try to see if you have the problem with just "Surface"?
> In that case, there is potentially a bug in the geometry exporter.
>    Regarding the stl file issue, I did follow the same steps to build
> ParaViewWeb which you provided (just using hardware rendering rather than
> OSMesa) and I see the same issue you described.  So in this case, it seems
> like maybe some commit since the 4.4 release has fixed an issue with the
> stl reader.  If you are able to get the latest master and build it, that
> could fix your stl loading problem.
> Hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> Scott
> On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 12:45 PM, kai liu <liuwu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear Scott:
> Thank you for the testings.
> 1) Regarding using local rendering on the cube data file: It seems that
> with local rendering, we may not properly handle coloring by arrays where
> the data range is 0 (e.g. the range of T in your case was [303.1499938964844,
> 303.1499938964844]).  I was able to use local rendering by first loading
> the data, then choosing a local rendering approach (either worked fine),
> and then going back and coloring by T.  This could be a workaround if you
> need to test the speed of local rendering vs remote.
> *Kai's Response:*
> My local deprecated (WebGL) rendering seems quite fast now when I load
> ParaView Datasets.
> I was not able to use local rendering (Local VGL or Local Deprecated) on
> my cube data file. I first loaded the data, chose local (Deprecated) option
> and then went back to color by T. I got the same error message: WebSocket
> connection to
> 'ws://XXXX:8080/proxy?sessionId=7bb6e67a-63a9-11e5-9b44-00155dd73e0d'
> failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 503 . I
> believe the server side process indeed crashed. However, remote rendering
> does seem to work fine with T color. The speed of local rendering is very
> slow, but the speed of local deprecated (WebGL) rendering is very fast now.
> 2) Regarding loading the .stl file, I did not run into the same issue as
> you did, i.e. the .stl file loaded without any problems.  The paraviewweb I
> am running was built from master which is a day or so old, so I'm wondering
> what version you may have compiled?
> *Kai's Response:*
> I tried .stl file a couple of times again and still the same. I do not see
> the geometry in ParaViewWeb, and the log file has the same error message as
> before. Currently my Ubuntu 14.04 has ParaViewWeb - 4.4 version. I built
> this on 09/22/2015. The following is the commands I used to obtain the
> source:
> *Get ParaViewWeb by a Specific Version*
> git clone git://paraview.org/ParaView.git src
> cd src
> git checkout v4.4.0
> git submodule update --init
> When I build ParaViewWeb 4.3 in July, 2015, I used the following commands:
> *Get the latest ParaViewWeb source *
> git clone git://paraview.org/stage/ParaView.git src
> cd src
> git submodule update --init
> I have put my responses inline below again ....
> On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 9:15 AM, kai liu <liuwu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear Scott,
> Thanks for your quick response, I have also put my responses inline below
> with light blue color :
> *Issue 1: Loading ASCII stl file*
> When I try to load my ASCII stl file on the ParaviewWeb, I receive the
> following error message in my log file. However, desktop ParaView
> application loads the file fine.
> /home/user/ParaViewWeb/ParaView/src/VTK/IO/Geometry/vtkSTLReader.cxx, line
> 461
> vtkSTLReader (0x5d89b50): STLReader: error while reading file
> /home/user/ParaViewWeb/data/Mitchell_Lee_Administration_ReckordArmory_.stl
> at line 14: unable to read reading point.
> /home/user/ParaViewWeb/ParaView/src/VTK/Common/ExecutionModel/vtkExecutive.cxx,
> line 784
> vtkPVCompositeDataPipeline (0x5d84f70): Algorithm
> vtkFileSeriesReader(0x5d881b0) returned failure for request: vtkInformation
> (0x5d97f30)
>   Debug: Off
>   Modified Time: 225417
>   Reference Count: 1
>   Registered Events: (none)
>   Request: REQUEST_DATA
> Did you build the ParaView desktop application in the same build as the
> version you're using to run ParaViewWeb?  Maybe you could try to take one
> of the standard ParaView datasets and try to load it in ParaViewWeb, and
> see if you have the same issue you mentioned above.  To get this data if
> you don't already have it, go here:
> http://www.paraview.org/download/
> And under "Type of Download", choose "Data, Documentation, and
> Tutorials".  Once you get this data, try opening the "disk_out_ref.ex2"
> file in ParaViewWeb.  If you see the same issue as above, then there could
> be something going on with the way you have built ParaView, which we can
> try to figure out at that point.  If you do not see the same issue as
> above, then perhaps you could send me (off the list) a sample data file I
> could use to try to replicate the problem and debug it on this end.
> Kai's Response
> I did not build the ParaView desktop application. I installed ParaView
> 4.1.0 through the Ubuntu terminal using
> *sudo apt-get install paraviewopenfoam410 . *
> I tested files with local ParaView desktop application as well as local
> ParaViewWeb. My Ubuntu 14.04 server does not have ParaView application, and
> it has only ParaViewWeb. Both server and local ParaViewWeb produce the same
> issues.
> I have tested "disk_out_ref.ex2" file in ParaViewWeb, and it seems to be
> okay. I will send you the sample data files privately.
> Just so I am clear.  Your "local" version is the one you install via
> apt-get?  And the Ubuntu 14.04 server version is the one you built
> yourself?  Did you download a source bundle to build the server one?  If
> so, do you know what version you downloaded and built on your server?
> *Kai's Response:*
> I apologize for the confusion. I built both my "local" and "sever"
> ParaViewWeb 4.4.0 with OSMesa using the following commands:
> git clone git://paraview.org/ParaView.git src
> cd src
> git checkout v4.4.0
> git submodule update --init
> I had to use *git checkout v4.4.0* because last time the repository head
> was 4.3 version.
> My "local" ParaView 4.1 desktop application was installed via apt-get.
> When I said ParaView desktop application, I am not referring to the
> ParaViewWeb at all. I always refer ParaView and ParaViewWeb as two
> applications.
> Please note that I had also tried ParaViewWeb 4.1 and 4.3 on both my
> "local" and "server", they both had the same issues in loading the ASCII
> STL file and rendering the output fields, which would be the same issues
> currently I am experiencing in ParaViewWeb 4.4.
> *Issue 2: *
> If I do the following selections on the ParaViewWeb, I always receive 
> src/VTK/Common/Core/vtkDataArrayTemplate.h:191:
> T vtkDataArrayTemplate<T>::GetValue(vtkIdType) [with T = float; vtkIdType =
> long long int]: Assertion `id >= 0 && id < this->Size' failed message in
> the log file and cause the web socket connection closed.
> [image: Inline image]
> 2015-09-23 17:33:52-0400 [-] Log opened.
> 2015-09-23 17:33:53-0400 [-] Site starting on 9009
> 2015-09-23 17:33:53-0400 [-] Starting factory <twisted.web.server.Site
> instance at 0x7fb6f2e55830>
> 2015-09-23 17:33:53-0400 [HTTPChannel,0,] Client has reconnected,
> cancelling reaper
> 2015-09-23 17:33:53-0400 [HTTPChannel,0,] on_connect: connection
> count = 1
> pvpython:
> /home/user/ParaViewWeb/ParaView/src/VTK/Common/Core/vtkDataArrayTemplate.h:191:
> T vtkDataArrayTemplate<T>::GetValue(vtkIdType) [with T = float; vtkIdType =
> long long int]: Assertion `id >= 0 && id < this->Size' failed.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> WebSocket connection to
> 'ws://XXXXXXXXXXX:8080/proxy?sessionId=0c562ad6-623f-11e5-9b44-00155dd73e0d'
> failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 503
> I checked HTTP traffic, it has the following message. I assume the
> connection is closed because of the above error.
> I wonder if the server side process crashed as a result of the error you
> see in the log file?  That would explain the websocket connection error.
> Again, trying a known data set like "disk_out_ref.ex2" may help us to
> pinpoint problem which caused the error output you saw above.
> Kai's Response
> My unintelligent question is how could I determine if the server side
> process crashed?
> One approach: Use a terminal on the machine where ParaViewWeb is running
> and type:
> ps -ef | grep pvpython
> If the process is running, you should see a pvpython instance running,
> where your pv_web_visualizer.py script is the argument, along with any
> other arguments your launcher provided when it started the process for
> you.  Something like:
> /path/to/paraview/build/bin/pvpython
> /path/to/paraview/build/lib/site-packages/paraview/web/pv_web_visualizer.py
> --port 9999 --data-dir /blah/blah/blah
> In the case of the cube you shared with me, the process did indeed crash
> as a result of the steps you provided.
> *Kai's Response:*
> Thank you for the command and the explanations.
> *Issue 3: Slow ParaViewWeb*
> My ParaViewWeb is very slow. Even I change the rendering mode to WebGL, It
> is still very slow. The Ubuntu 14.04 Sever  specifications are the
> following:
> - 8 Cores
> - 8 GB RAM
>  - 2.3 Ghz processors
> To get faster rendering with OSMesa, you may try building a recent version
> of OSMesa using Gallium + LLVMPipe.  See here:
> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/ParaView_And_Mesa_3D
> But even that won't be as fast as hardware rendering (not using OSMesa).
> I'm not sure why you don't see a speedup when switching to WebGL, though,
> for if your data is small enough to all fit in within the GPU of your
> desktop or laptop, then it should be faster than offscreen rendering on the
> server, once the data is loaded.
> Kai's Response
> I believe my build is based on  recent version of OSMesa using Gallium +
> LLVMPipe
> *Mesa 9.2.2 OSMesa Gallium llvmpipe*
> make -j4
> autoreconf -fi
> ./configure \
> --disable-xvmc \
> --disable-glx \
> --disable-dri \
> --with-dri-drivers="" \
> --with-gallium-drivers="swrast" \
> --enable-texture-float \
> --disable-shared-glapi \
> --disable-egl \
> --with-egl-platforms="" \
> --enable-gallium-osmesa \
> --enable-gallium-llvm=yes \
> --with-llvm-shared-libs \
> --prefix=/opt/mesa/9.2.2/llvmpipe
> *make -j2*
> *make -j4 install*
> This looks fine to me, though I believe OSMesa Gallium llvmpipe has moved
> along quite a few versions since that documentation was written, so
> building a more recent one could be something to try.
> When I built ParaViewWeb, The following is what I changed when I generated
> the cmake file:
> CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX        /.../ParaView/install
> VTK_USE_X                   OFF
> OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR          /opt/mesa/9.2.2/llvmpipe/include
> OPENGL_glu_LIBRARY          /opt/mesa/9.2.2/llvmpipe/lib/libGLU.so
> ...
> [Message clipped]
> --
> Cory Quammen
> R&D Engineer
> Kitware, Inc.

Cory Quammen
R&D Engineer
Kitware, Inc.
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