

For various reasons I aim to replace the standard client of paraview and use
the data and rendering servers as is. As such I need to implement the client
that communicates with the servers. I have been unable to find any
documentation on this and I would appreciate pointers to any documentation
of protocols and APIs that are used. 


The reason for why I am doing this is because I am trying to utilize the
power of Paraview and VTK inside another system. The problem is that my VTK
program that acts as a light renderer does not work inside the system
because it can not obtain an OpenGL context. As such I wish to remove the
rendering from the system and instead communicate like the design already


What I need it only for the data and rendered frames to be available on the
client and for the client to update important info such as the camera
transform and transfer functions.


Thank you for any help you can provide.



Magnus Elden

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