Sorry for my late reply:

“21745593” is correct, that’s the UID string of the sensor/camera which 
generates the vtkImagedata, I set the string from its SDK…. I will try writing 
the vti file for you….

Von: Joachim Pouderoux []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. Jänner 2017 19:09
An: Lodron, Gerald
Cc: Paraview Developer (; Paraview User 
Betreff: Re: [Paraview-developers] [Paraview] vtkImageData Plugin, vtkImageData 
not rendered

Hmm sorry if I had took a closer look I would have seen that AllocateScalars 
set a default name "ImageScalars" to the scalar array.
Then don't know what you did but the print says that the name of your array is 
"21745593" which is quite strange. Is it what you did?
Could you write your "output" image data to a .VTI file using a 
vtkXMLImageDataWriter after initializing it in your RequestData
function and see if you can load in with PV and view it? Share it if you can't.

Joachim Pouderoux, PhD
Technical Expert - Scientific Computing Team
Kitware SAS<>

2017-01-10 2:00 GMT-04:00 Lodron, Gerald 
Here i printed my vtkImageDataOutput of my plugin in  Request data, may that 

output vtkImageData (00000087ABEB1260)

Debug: Off

Modified Time: 870183

Reference Count: 1

Registered Events: (none)

Information: 00000087AC049A90

Data Released: False

Global Release Data: Off

UpdateTime: 195896

Field Data:

Debug: Off

Modified Time: 870094

Reference Count: 1

Registered Events: (none)

Number Of Arrays: 0

Number Of Components: 0

Number Of Tuples: 0

Number Of Points: 1920000

Number Of Cells: 1917201

Cell Data:

Debug: Off

Modified Time: 870179

Reference Count: 1

Registered Events:

Registered Observers:

vtkObserver (00000087ABC476A0)

Event: 33

EventName: ModifiedEvent

Command: 00000087AC0495E0

Priority: 0

Tag: 1

Number Of Arrays: 0

Number Of Components: 0

Number Of Tuples: 0

Copy Tuple Flags: ( 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 )

Interpolate Flags: ( 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 )

Pass Through Flags: ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )

Scalars: (none)

Vectors: (none)

Normals: (none)

TCoords: (none)

Tensors: (none)

GlobalIds: (none)

PedigreeIds: (none)

EdgeFlag: (none)

Point Data:

Debug: Off

Modified Time: 870183

Reference Count: 1

Registered Events:

Registered Observers:

vtkObserver (00000087ABC475B0)

Event: 33

EventName: ModifiedEvent

Command: 00000087AC0495E0

Priority: 0

Tag: 1

Number Of Arrays: 1

Array 0 name = 21745593

Number Of Components: 1

Number Of Tuples: 1920000

Copy Tuple Flags: ( 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 )

Interpolate Flags: ( 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 )

Pass Through Flags: ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )


Debug: Off

Modified Time: 870148

Reference Count: 2

Registered Events: (none)

Name: 21745593

Data type: unsigned char

Size: 1920000

MaxId: 1919999

NumberOfComponents: 1

Information: 0000000000000000

Name: 21745593

Number Of Components: 1

Number Of Tuples: 1920000

Size: 1920000

MaxId: 1919999

LookupTable: (none)

Vectors: (none)

Normals: (none)

TCoords: (none)

Tensors: (none)

GlobalIds: (none)

PedigreeIds: (none)

EdgeFlag: (none)


Xmin,Xmax: (0, 1599)

Ymin,Ymax: (0, 1199)

Zmin,Zmax: (0, 0)

Compute Time: 870184

Spacing: (1, 1, 1)

Origin: (0, 0, 0)

Dimensions: (1600, 1200, 1)

Increments: (0, 0, 0)

Extent: (0, 1599, 0, 1199, 0, 0)

Von: Paraview-developers 
 Im Auftrag von Lodron, Gerald
Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. Jänner 2017 06:49
An: Joachim Pouderoux
Cc: Paraview Developer 
Paraview User (<>)
Betreff: Re: [Paraview-developers] [Paraview] vtkImageData Plugin, vtkImageData 
not rendered


Good try but does not effect anything except the string in paraview’s combo 
box. The strange thing is that I also cannot see anything in spreadsheet view 
(empty cell and point data)… but on information tab point data and cell data is 

Von: Joachim Pouderoux []
Gesendet: Montag, 09. Jänner 2017 19:40
An: Lodron, Gerald
Cc: Paraview User (<>); 
Paraview Developer 
Betreff: Re: [Paraview] vtkImageData Plugin, vtkImageData not rendered

Hi Gerald,
Not sure it is the only issue but please try giving a name to the output scalar 
ParaView won't make visible arrays which don't have a name.

Joachim Pouderoux, PhD
Technical Expert - Scientific Computing Team
Kitware SAS<>

2017-01-09 5:20 GMT-04:00 Lodron, Gerald 

I programmed successfully a plugin source wich generates a vtkImageData output 
and made it the same way as on my 3d cloud plugins of vtkPolyData. The source 
is inherited from vtkImageAlgorithm and only contains one output with unsigned 
char array and one component.

In the request data function of the filter I currently have a very dummy:

output->SetDimensions(oData.imgSizeX, oData.imgSizeY, 1);
output ->AllocateScalars(VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, 1);
 memcpy(output ->GetScalarPointer(), &oData.imgData[0], oData.imgSizeX* 
oData.imgSizeY*sizeof(unsigned char));

in paraview I see in the information tab that  I have an uniform rectilinear 
grid with 1917201 cells and 1920000 points (image is 1600*1200px). In data 
Arrays I get an "ImageScalars" of unsigned char and a correct range of my 
memcopy data (my min max range is not 0,255 so data seems to be there)...

the problem is that I cannot see anything in the render view, any suggestions 
what I am making wrong? I tested all representation (slice, surface, outline, 
on Solid Color and on my array), never see anything.....

I also compared the Information tab on a loaded jpeg image and cannot see any 
difference (which is rendered in render view except the Array's string name), 
by the way: can I disable "MapScalars" by default?

I am using pv5.2

Gerald Lodron

Researcher of Machine Vision Applications Group
DIGITAL - Institute for Information and Communication Technologies

JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

phone:   +43-316-876-1751<tel:+43%20316%208761751>
general fax: +43-316-876-1751<tel:+43%20316%208761751>

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