Hey Fliers

At the last PatternFly Next update, the topic of IE11 browser support came
up. Specifically, the question on whether or not we needed to support it
moving forward.

As a result, we wanted to follow up to ensure we understood PatternFly
users' browser support roadmap. From what we've been able to gather, we
learned that the majority of PatternFly users that are interested in
migrating to PatternFly-Next are comfortable proceeding without IE11
support moving forward. We will continue to have PF3 for any users that
still require that level of support, however we don't believe that IE11
support is worth the cost for this next major version.

Thanks to everyone that raised this concern as well as those that provided
input to help us make this decision.

Leslie Hinson
PatternFly Lead, UXD
PatternFly mailing list

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