Ah, I don't have the URL for foobar2000 squirled away, but I didn't even have to resort to Google. I just tried foobar2000.com in Firefox and it came right up.

I bring foobar2000 up from time to time, but I haven't switched over to it completely yet, so others may have more to say about it than me. I also find that it does more than I realize every time I see it discussed on different mailing lists.

First, it's quite a bit smaller than Winamp, making it come up a lot quicker. It also has a portable version, so you could run it off of a flash drive or even just have multiple copies installed, each with different libraries.

It allows you to set your own hot keys. This makes it more flexible, but it doesn't come with many default keys set, so you'll have to set up your initial set of hot keys. If you're used to Winamp with JFW and the hot keys that you get with this combination then it'll be a bit tedious recreating the hot keys you've become used to, but once you've done that, you can keep going and set up more hot keys or tweak the ones you have set up.

the library is also completely accessible with JFW. It's a bit simpler and doesn't have all of the internet and remote media options that Winamp does, but if you just want to use it to manage your local library, it'll be quicker and easier than Winamp. It doesn't allow you to manage a portable media player either.

Don't take any of the limitations I've mentioned too seriously. Foobar2000 is being updated all of the time, and I'm not intimate with all of it's features. The absolute best thing to do would be to download it and give it a try yourself.

Curtis Delzer wrote:
Let me know where to download? Please?
Also, since I am, like you were, a winamp user so, how if foobar2000 that much better? Library? etc.

Curtis Delzer.

At 04:50 PM 11/10/2008, you wrote:
This thread enspired me to try Foobar2000, and I have to say I absolutely love it! I have all my plugins in Foobar from Winamp, and have even replaced some of them with custom-built Foobar ones which are much better. An example would the SoundTouch plugin. I also have my broadcasting plugin, EdCast, configured in Foobar now too. After using Winamp for about 3 years, I never thought anything would be better, but Foobar2000 is much better for me and it is being updated all the time. So, I will say to people who think Winamp is the best thing since sliced bread, give the Foobar2000 0.96 Beta4 a try and see what you think, I think you will be greatly impressed.
On Monday, November 10, 2008 at 08:46 PM (GMT), Richard Claypool wrote:
I think that fuber does handle winamp plugins, so I would say that there's
really not much of a reason to leave for winamp.  the library, at least
under jaws, doesn't work correctly in later versions. if you have a large musical collection, it can take many many many many megs of ram. mine, with
around 20k plus songs, takes up around 45 megs of ram.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Pattison" <s...@internode.on.net>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 5:09 AM
Subject: Re: Why winamp?

> Hi Anders,

> Regarding Winamp the installation is extremely flexible so you can
> install as many or as few features as you want and need so Winamp
> doesn't have to take up a lot of space.  I like Winamp because I like
> experimenting with some of the DSP/Effect plug-ins available for Winamp. > I don't have Hal so I don't know how well the Winamp library works with
> Hal.  Another reason I like to use Winamp is because of the excellent
> Window-Eyes scripts now available for Winamp.  However if Foobar 2000
> meets all of your needs you might like to keep using it. So you have a
> lot of options.

> Regards Steve.

> From: Anders Holmberg and...@pipkrokodil.se
> To: PC Audio Discussion List pc-audio@pc-audio.org

> Actually i have been using foobar2000 for 4 years now.
> However from the beginning it was a really neat and great player.
> Though many functions i had in my first version of foobar2000 has been
> removed.
> For example, you now have to create your own hotkeys for play stop etc.
> Now to my question.
> Most people seems to use winamp and seems to be very satisfied with it.
> But it seems to take up a lot of space though.
> Now in the latest version of hal you can use winamp much more flexible
> than
> before.
> The screenreader has got new map files and scripts.
> So i am thinking to start using winamp again after 4 years.
> There is a streamripper plugin also for winamp.
> But why should i use winamp?
> More than what i've stated above.
> Can the library feature be used?
> Such as the shoutcast radio functionality i had in older versions of
> winamp.

> Regards Steve
> Email:  s...@internode.on.net
> Windows Live Messenger:  internetuser...@hotmail.com
> Skype:  steve1963

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