El 01/12/2014 a las 18:18, julien.meu...@orange.com escribió:
Dear all,

As planned, this message ignites a 3-week WG Last Call on both draft-ietf-pce-pce-initiated-lsp-02

Hi authors, all,

A fast review of the draft, please note:

* Error: "To indicate a delete operation, the PCE MUST use the R flag in the
   SRP object in a PCUpd message.  As a result of the deletion request,
   the PCC MUST remove all state related to the LSP, and send a PCRpt
   with the R flag set in the LSP object for the removed state"

it should be PCInitiate, as later described in Section 5.4 "PCE-initiated removal of a PCE-initiated LSP is done by setting the R (remove) flag in the SRP Object in the PCInitiate message from the PCE." as well as the RBNF (note that, personally I would favor being picky as in "in the SRP object of the PCE-initiated-lsp-instantiation within the PCInitiate message" etc. notably when multiple lsp requests can be in a message)

* Confused by the sentence " Every request from the PCE receives a new SRP-ID-number. This number is unique per PCEP session and is incremented each time an operation (initiation, update, etc) is requested from the PCE" i.e., the "unicity-per-session" (although the intent is clear)

* Indent 0,1,2,3 digits to describe bit position in the SRP object format.

* Minor nit: IANA considerations section should mention new R flag in SRP.

* Error-value=13: LSP cleanup TLV missing -> this looks like a leftover from an old version?

* I would have some very minor comments about error conditions, hopefully triggering some discussion - I am a bit confused about the differences between ET=19 -Invalid operation- and ET=24 -LSP instantiation error-
("Is the error a result of an invalid operation? ;)"
- Why is "non-zero plsp-id" an invalid operation rather than a "bad parameter value"? - Why is "Speaker identity included for an LSP that is not PCE-initiated" a bad parameter rather than an invalid operation? - Why is there a type "bad parameter value" yet the error "unacceptable instantiation parameters" a value within the "instantiation error" type?
I am aware there may be deployments and changing this may be problematic,

Best regards

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