Dear authors,

After reading your draft-ietf-pce-flowspec-01.txt, I would know if it is 
possible to also handle some QoS  policy configuration in conjunction with the 

In fact, when you configure a TE tunnel with some reserved bandwidth and/or a 
given Class Type and you specify which packets could belong to this tunnel, in 
general, you also associate corresponding policy configuration. In particular, 
you would associated to the tunnel a given Class of Service, thus a given DSCP 
marking/queuing, and if you reserved some bandwidth, you would configure some 
rate limit to be sure that no excess traffic belongs to this tunnel. This give 
to operational entity a complete control over the traffic that belongs to this 

So, do you think it is feasible to add two more bits in the Flow Spec Object to 
specify if the PCC must associate a Rate Limiter and/or queuing policy? It is 
not necessary to specify the bandwidth value, nor the Class Type as there have 
been provided previously (during the tunnel computation through PCReq message 
or tunnel setup through PCInitiate message), so only 2 more bits are necessary.



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