Dear All,

Frederique, I totally agree with your thoughts and this is why I figured I'd 
get the Facebook page started! It does take very little time to administrate 
and helps provide a place for those interested in entomology in the bay area 
(and elsewhere) to see what is happening and to ask questions, organize trips, 
post photos etc. etc. It also provides further online exposure for the society, 
which can't really be a bad thing, especially in terms of bringing more 
students into the society!

Of course those that don't want to use it don't have to, as all the previous 
methods of communication will remain in use.

I hope John receives a number of suggestions for other methods of increasing 
the society's internet presence. I personally think it would be great if we 
made the PCES website into a blog-style site. That way we could have static 
'about' pages as well as frequent new articles contributed by (hopefully!) 
various members of the society on a range of topics (i.e. from current research 
projects to the history of the society)

My $0.02



Dr. Chris Borkent
Postdoctoral Researcher
Plant Pest Diagnostics Center
California Department of Food and Agriculture
3294 Meadowview Road
Sacramento, CA 95832, USA
phone: (916) 262-1152
fax: (916) 262-1190

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Frederique Lavoipierre
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 2:07 PM
To: D. Christopher Rogers; RLA
Subject: Re: Social media

Although I understand that many people do not use Facebook, many others find it 
a convenient way to keep up with news about interest groups. It is widely used 
by students! Facebook is a great way to connect on a regular basis with 
like-minded people; and useful when you have an organization with far-flung 
members. It could be especially convenient as a last-minute forum to connect 
with group members for outings (Eg: Who would like to join me at Fairfield 
Osborn Preserve tomorrow and collect aquatic invertebrates? Send me a message 
for details.), including those who are not in the Bay Area. Also a fun place to 
share photos.

It takes very little time to maintain a Facebook page; I rarely post more than 
2 or 3 items/week (In my experience, pages that post too often become an 
annoyance.) I currently administrate pages for the SSU Nature Preserves, 
Insecta-Palooza, and Garden Classroom. You can have multiple administrators to 
track the page; I think that Facebook is an easily managed 'extra' for those 
who like to use it, and does not take away from other communication efforts in 
which you are engaged.


From: "D. Christopher Rogers" 
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 15:14:19 -0600
To: RLA <<>>
Cc: <<>>
Subject: Re: Social media

I agree with Rolf. I have no desire to join social media. In fact, I have 
considered developing my own antisocial media. I would call it 

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:54 PM, RLA 
<<>> wrote:
You may have access to Facebook, but I have purposely avoided setting up a 
Facebook account. I am not sure how long I will be able to hold out!

From: Dooley, John W - APHIS<>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 12:28 PM
Subject: Social media

Since we have access to FaceBook,  where do you think we should go from here?  
As the Social Media Chair I would like input and guidance as to what you want 
to happen.  I will also need volunteers to help accomplish future goals etc.

Please advise.

John William Dooley
389 Oyster Point Blvd, Suite 2A
South San Francisco, Ca 94080
650-8769093<tel:650-8769093> (office)
650-8760915<tel:650-8760915> (fax)
650-3338426<tel:650-3338426> (cell)

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D. Christopher Rogers
Crustacean Taxonomist and Ecologist
Kansas Biological Survey
Kansas University, Higuchi Hall
2101 Constant Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66047-3759 USA

Affiliate, Invertebrate Zoology, Biodiversity Institute, The University of 

Associate Editor, Journal of Crustacean Biology

Southwest Association of Freshwater Invertebrate Taxonomists 

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