AFAICT, the main issue is that multi-instance Pd misses symbols for certain global variables, most notably  s_float, s_symbol, s_bang, etc.

The problem is that these are really exported global structs. If they were *pointers*, we could simply make them point to the corresponding field in the main Pd instance. But in this case I don't really see a solution...

On 30.03.2022 18:07, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

On 3/30/22 17:45, Dan Wilcox wrote:
I lean much more on the side that PDINSTANCE is a low-level, per project compile option and not general-purpose. If you are using libpd, then your environment is a bit more custom anyway.

i wonder what the penalty would be to turn on PDINSTANCE on Pd?

obviously a problem with externals, but maybe we can come up with some clever hack (under the assumption, that Pd (the app) only runs a single instance, even if compiled with multi-instance support) to use legacy externals - if that is even possible.

apart from that?


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