Hahaha : ).

It was generating odd messages here, like [test $-7614554].  But I'm
on an intel mac using Pd-Extended autobuilds, so that's probably

Yes, I think a character escaping mechanism would be a good thing,
though of course escaping is already used in the pd-fileformat so who
knows what madness it would require.

Thanks again!

On 2/8/07, Chris McCormick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 12:16:02AM -0700, Luke Iannini (pd) wrote:
> Hm... I'm not sure if your patch was supposed to "work" or demonstrate
> my issue, Chris... thanks for making it regardless : ).

It was supposed to solve your problem.

> Thanks to both of yas!  Should probably add this to puredata.org or
> something for posterity.  Or a bug report since it's obviously a
> kludge.

If you consider it a kludge, then most of Pd is a kludge. ;)

I don't think it's that bad, or at least no worse than any of the other
dynamic patching stuff. Maybe slightly better would be a character
escaping mechanism like [\$0(




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