Yeah but mp3s always sound muddy to me...


Andy Farnell wrote:
> I looked for some sounds that demonstrate the difference of oscillator
> accuracy. All I could find are these two snips from tracks, but it's a 
> fair comparison because;
> 1) "Functions of Time" (1996) An all Csound composition.
> 2) "Look Ma, No hands!" (2005) An all Pd composition.
> Both use the same patch (the undulating diffraction effect). It's 
> comparable because I translated the Csound version directly to Pd, both 
> are 64 oscillator banks and it's clear that the Csound one sparkles while
> the Pd one sounds a bit muddy.
> It would be good to do a Max vs Pd comparison of the same someday.
> a.
> On Thu, 06 Mar 2008 21:02:00 -0500
> marius schebella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> what I experience sometimes when I do very basic stuff like using 
>> phasors, is that I hear weird comb filtering of my environment after I 
>> put down my headphones. similar as if you look into bright light and 
>> then close the eyes, and you still see a review-image.
>> regarding the difference between pd and max: are you talking about the 
>> music that people produce or are you talking about the digital signal 
>> process?
>> m.
>> Damian Stewart wrote:
>>> hey,
>>> i was talking to a Portuguese musician tonight (Miguel Cardoso is his name) 
>>> and he was saying that he thought that Pd sounded much better than Max - a 
>>> fuller sound with the oscillators, he said.
>>> i hadn't really thought about this before, but i do know that to my ears my 
>>> Pd patches sound a lot richer than most Max/MSP stuff that I've heard - not 
>>> sure whether that's my source material or patches or whether it's at a 
>>> deeper architectural level than that.
>>> anyone have any evidence, anecdotal or otherwise, to confirm this? reasons 
>>> why this might be the case?
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