maybe you could have a look to : ...

2009/3/17 Geoff <>:
> Hi
> This is quite along post but I thought the background was needed for it to
> make sense.
> Background
> I have previous programming experience however I have been using Pure Data
> for several months now and am enjoying learning it. I am trying to learn DSP
> for myself purely out of personal interest for the subject. I bought a book
> on DSP and became hooked after reading it. :)
> From that point I have relearnt all the A-level maths I studied over 10
> years ago and a few bits of physics, I have gone the the whole of Millers
> book on Pure Data and whilst I would be lying if I said the whole thing made
> sense I can certainly understand and implement alot of it.
> I then moved on to Julius Smiths books on digital filters and physical
> modelling which is where I am at the moment. And I am making slow progress
> there as there is alot to assimilate in that I need to not only be able to
> understand the topic related to Physics, Maths etc. but then know how to use
> Matlab and C++  and Faust  which is all quite a mountain.
> Long Term Aim
> What I want to do eventually when things make more sense is to work with
> creating my own physical models which if I am to do it in pure data would
> surely need me to create externals to run the filtering all inside one
> object.
> System
> Mac OS 10.4.11 Macbook, Pure Data, Octave, Max/Msp, Xcode, Downloaded and
> installed Faust but not sure how to invoke it :(
> Mission
> What I would like to be able to do is to take the examples I am reading
> about in Julius Smiths books and create them as externals within Pure Data
> so I can use them, Play with them :)
> I.e. the book that I am working through 'Introduction to digital filters'
> contains lots of example Matlab and C code for different filters and also
> mentions Faust, then there is also flext to consider.
> Q) I want to create my own Pure data objects specifically filters starting
> with the examples in Julius Smiths book. What would be the most straight
> forward path to take to begin with given my System, lack of experience, aims
> ???? what I would like is the easiest route to begin with :)
> I.e. seem to have all these programs Octave (matlab), Faust, Xcode ,Flext,
> Terminal etc.
> which would be the best path to follow to learn to create my own externals.
> Tuition
> If there is anyone in the Cambridge England area who does one to one tuition
> and could teach me how to create my own externals please let me know.
> Guidance appreciated
> Geoff
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