On 08/23/2011 02:16 PM, Stephen Lavelle wrote:
2 - If I have an object selected (that's to say pressing buttons to edit
text in it) I can't find any key-combination that will delete it

how could you distinguish between 'delete text' from 'delete object' then ?
IMHO best would be "hitting RETURN" when text is edited makes object selected (like in completion-plugin) and then hit BACKSPACE -> done.

4 - is there a shortcut for deleting connections?  something like ctrl+click
would save me a lot of time.

(amazing) DD style keyboard objects/connections selection is the solution. that's not an easy task though.. or maybe like max: ALT+click/drag selects connections as well... oh but you need the mouse.. grr.

6 - shortcut for opening help of selected item would be...convenient for me

yeah, ALT+H on a (keyboard) selected object would open its help file.. that would be sweet =)


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