Another side of it is that the GPL and LGPL do not allow additional 
restrictions to be placed on the code.  The VLC and GNU Go complaints as I 
understood them were specifically about the Apple App Store placing additional 
restrictions on the code.  So that would affect LGPL and GPL alike.  An app 
that includes some LGPL code might be a grey area since there is no possible 
expectation of producing a binary exactly like the original, since not all the 
code's licenses require that, so distributing the LGPL part separate might be 

With the GPL, the whole app needs to be GPL compatible, so therefore there is 
an easy test: every user must be able to freely recreate the binary, and freely 
install, run, and modify it.  That's something that the Apple App Store 
definitely restricts.

I don't think this will really be resolved until Apple drops those terms or the 
FSF makes a statement on the LGPL in the Apple App Store.


On Oct 31, 2011, at 10:49 AM, i go bananas wrote:

> i just called a couple of apple numbers.  first one had me on hold for 10 
> minutes so i  gave up, 2nd one was useless.
> BUT third one was a rather helpful lady whose name i now have and she has 
> issued me a 'case number' so my question is now listed in their system at 
> least, so hopefully i can get the 'yay or nay' from apple on LGPL code in iOS 
> applications.
> Also, i have already contacted a friend who works for a company making high 
> profile iOS applications, and from what he is saying LGPL is OK.  
> it seems the main problem with plain GPL is that apple doesn't want to 
> release their own surrounding code, which the GPL would force them to do.
> As far as i can see, LGPL doesn't have this strict requirement.  You just 
> need to make the LGPL part available to anyone who wants it. 
> Will keep hammering away here.  LGPL sounds like it might be a better option, 
> but i still reckon if Mr Yadegari is in favour of BSD, then that would be the 
> best outcome.  
> Personally i'd be happy to donate a couple of hundred dollars even to see a 
> unified license for PD, but as this thread has shown, it sounds like i may 
> get hippies camping on my lawn waving their GPL flags and trying to bum my 
> goldfish.  
> Just casually browsing through a bunch of PD patches this afternoon though, 
> [expr] and especially [expr~] are undeniably useful and show up in so many 
> patches.
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