I'm having a look, but I'm apparently not getting something. When I try [vstplugin~] + "StereoEncoder", it only outputs a signal to the left-ish, changing the position doesn't affect the output )0th order). Or do you put a [vstplugin~] + "BinauralDecoder" afterwards?

Personally, I always use [vstplugin~] + "StereoEncoder" / "BinauralDecoder" from the IEM plugin suite, but I'm of course biased :-)

On 01.06.2021 15:12, João Pais wrote:
Hi list,

what is the current state of the art in binaural externals? I see in the archives that there are several around, each with advantages/disadvantages.

I would need it to:

- windows 32b

- record the output of an already existing patch with x-y coordinates/trajectories into binaural audio

- sample rate fixed at 44.1KHz

- there are around 500 samples with an individual player, so each will need its own enconder. They don't play necessarily all together, though.



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