
> now Pd (win32) always crashes when opening BinauralDecoder
and dsp on

This is a known bug with BinauralDecoder: it crashes in the process method if 
you provide less than 4 input channels (= 1st order). I *think* they have fixed 
this already. Maybe you are using an older version?

Generally, I have the suspicion that you don't use the correct number of 
channels. Assuming you want to use 3rd order, the StereoEncoder needs 2 input 
and 16 output channels, i.e. [vstplugin~ 2 16]; conversely the BinauralDecoder 
needs 16 input and 2 output channels, i.e. [vstplugin~ 16 2].


Am 5. Juni 2021, 12:17, um 12:17, "João Pais" <jmmmp...@gmail.com> schrieb:
>strangely, now Pd (win32) always crashes when opening BinauralDecoder
>and dsp on - independently if the other vstplugin is being used. That
>wasn't the case yesterday, I'm loading it exactly in the same way, with
>the same configuration.
>>> I'm having a look, but I'm apparently not getting something. When I
>>> [vstplugin~] + "StereoEncoder", it only outputs a signal to the
>>> left-ish, changing the position doesn't affect the output )0th
>> this sounds very much as if you were listening to the W-channel.
>>> Or do you put a [vstplugin~] + "BinauralDecoder" afterwards?
>> if you want to listen to the spatialisationvia headphones, then: yes.
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