2012/3/4 Ed Kelly <morph_2...@yahoo.co.uk>

> > So what about a Raspberry Pi  inside a stompbox that runs pd?
>  > But could the arm11 in that thing handle awesum (sic) audio
> processing? ;)
> Well the Raspberry Pi is based on an ARM chip. Does anyone know how these
> chips compare when running RJDJ or libPD applications?
> Perhaps this is a possibility, without too much modification of libPD or
> even RJDJ.
> ...but someone would need to write a host for the Raspberry Pi.
> > What do you need by "writing a host for Pd"? Something like a very
> simple OS?
> Er..well I can see they run Linux, so I think I was mistaken. My head was
> in the world of BASIC - nostalgia gets in the way of the facts!
> Of course, Pd would need to be compiled for the hardware.
> I think we need to wait until one of us gets one and tries it out before
> we find out what they're capable of. I've expressed interest, but they're
> massively oversubscribed.

I bought mine yesterday, and should receive it in about a week. The first
thing I'll do is try to install Pd.

> On the other hand, the idea of a dedicated PDOS isn't a bad idea...
> Ed

Yes, how hard would it be to have this?


>  Even if it was just the PD core, it would enhance the educational scope
> of the Raspberry Pi - which is the whole point of this single-board
> computer (I learned my first programming on a Sinclair ZX Spectrum in the
> 1980s).
> I never thought I would see the day when the BBC Microcomputer would rule
> the world in telecommunications, but ARM chips and the ARM RISC instruction
> set are running  every smartphone on the planet right now (correct me if
> I'm wrong :) and some of these smartphones run RJDJ and libPD really well.
> Dataflow music programming in schools. Maybe...
> Ed
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