Hi Bill,

How it's going? Have you tried submitting pull requests to the new
hosting - https://github.com/wmcbrine/PDCurses ?

On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 11:37 PM, Bill Gray <pl...@projectpluto.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
>    I've just posted an update at
> http://www.projectpluto.com/win32a.htm
>    This has a few bug fixes in it,  and adds a makefile for the Intel(R)
> compiler.  But the big change is that I'm trying to get things such that
> the Win32a changes can be merged back into "mainstream" PDCurses,  and at
> least some of its improvements conveyed to other flavors.  (There is,  as
> best I can tell,  no real reason for forking here.)  Current progress is
> discussed at
> http://projectpluto.com/win32a.htm#2015may31
>    Short version:  the Win32 console,  DOS,  X11,  and SDL1 flavors all
> get at least some benefit from the Win32a changes.  I obviously can't
> support overlined or struck-out text in DOS or Windows console,  for
> example,  and there are limits to how far I've gone with the other
> flavors thus far.  However,  the road is now paved for full RGB and
> full Unicode support for X11 and SDL.
>    Note that I couldn't try out OS/2 or FlexOs.
> -- Bill

anatoly t.

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